Restoring Eden: PowerPoint File
Restoring Eden Doc
Bible Genealogy Layout
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Main Idea: Restoration of Eden is only possible if YHWH does it
We need to stop looking for utopia on our own terms
We need to stop looking for utopia on our own terms
- This is in line with Genesis 1-11 thinking and will always fail apart from the sacred space of Christ
YHWH is a creative hope giver
Israel was a greenhouse to grow the seed of Eden
Life Change Challenge: When all seems hopeless, trust that God is still at work
- Communion is the sign of YHWH’s covenant with us. Made entirely on the blood of Jesus. Our participation is faith that is counted as righteousness. It reminds us to trust God is still at work when times seem dark and hopeless. And that we can wait in faith that Eden will be set right. Now and in the future. We don’t need to solve this on our own. Jesus has done it for us. We just need to choose to walk in the sacred space He has provided us access to.
I hear the Holy Spirit saying…
I live this truth out by…