(Bingo – Take the bottom row, second column space for free)

Main Idea: Jesus already won
  • We can fight our battles today because Jesus already won the war

 Sub Point 1:  The war was won at the resurrection

  • What war? -“Death is swallowed”

1 Corinthians 15, Isaiah 25:4-8, Hosea 13:14

  • Mot – (demon of death), Deber – (demon of terrors), Qeteb – (demon of plagues), Reseph (demon of fiery flames or arrows)

Deuteronomy 32:23-24, Job 5:7, Psalm 78:48, Psalm 91:3-6

Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible

Sub Point 2: We will have a “Jesus-style” resurrection

  • The resurrection sets us free from decaying bodies

Sub Point 3: The true King is now on the throne

  • Intelligent supernatural evil no longer has ungranted authority
Application: We can face today because Jesus holds tomorrow
  • This is the hope of the gospel for those in Christ

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