Main Idea: Jesus is the Human Cloud Rider Enthroned in Power
The Foreshadowing: What is a Cloud Rider?
- Ba’al or YHWH?
Deuteronomy 33:26, Psalm 18:10, 68:4, 104:1-3, Isaiah 19:1, 66:15
- Elisha and the “Cloud Rider”
The Foreshadowing: The Second Power of YHWH is the Cloud Rider
The Foreshadowing: No One Could Mistake what Jesus Was Claiming
Matthew 26:59-67, Acts 1:9, Revelation 1:7
- The Cloud Rider Will Ride Again!
Life Change Challenge: Live as if you Believe the Cloud Rider is Returning
I hear the Holy Spirit saying…
I live this truth out by…