(Bingo – Take the bottom row, second column space for free)

Main Idea: Without the cross, we are hopeless idol worshipers
  • Idolatry is not just one type of sin in a list of many sins, it is the MAIN sin that all other sin flows out of.

 Sub Point 1:  Jesus used the weapon of Satan to defeat idolatry

Psalm 22, Colossians 2:13-15

Sub Point 2: Jesus delivered Himself unto death so that death would die

  • The power of death was defeated when Jesus chose death

Sub Point 3: The cross is an invitation into God’s throne room

Hebrews 10:19-22

  • We were enemies of YHWH and loyal to a false god but Jesus bought us life and gave death to the demonic.
Application: Worship the right God in the right way
  • Total Allegiance

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