Restoring Eden: PowerPoint File
Main Idea: YHWH Wants To Rule With A Family Of Imagers
God created humans and spiritual beings in His image
- This is why life has value
- Elohim is a type of being, a spiritual being
- YHWH is a Elohim among the other Elohim He created
God’s ideal for the cosmos is for his family to live and rule in his presence
- God gets glory when we live and rule as His image in His presence
God created everything good, including both trees
- God did not create evil, He created good
- This includes choice
- We chose to bring evil (anti -God) into His good creation
Life Change Challenge: Will you choose to use God’s image in you to glorify Him?
- The whole reason He gave it to you
I hear the Holy Spirit saying…
I live this truth out by…