Intro: Names Are Important
Main Idea: The Name of YHWH is in Jesus, and it Means Something
- The Name was given by God
The Foreshadowing: The Name is More Than Syllables
- I Am that I Am is not just a declaration of existence but a “present, manifest” existence
The Foreshadowing: Jesus is the Embodied Name of YHWH
8 – “I Am” claims by Jesus in the Gospel of John
The Foreshadowing: Don’t Take the Name Lightly
Acts 4:8-12, Exodus 20:3, 20:7, Revelation 19:11-16
- This is the meaning of the 3rd Commandment
Life Change Challenge: True Life Only Exists When You Are In the Name
- This is the invitation, to follow the calling of being a disciple while looking forward to the reclamation of Eden
I hear the Holy Spirit saying…
I live this truth out by…